What can we do together?

Advanced Focus works in partnership with manufacturers to improve performance and growth, and to maximise opportunities at both the tactical and strategic level.

Our industrial clients are a diverse group in terms of scale, capability and the markets they service. One thing they have in common, however, is that they are all open to new ways of thinking and they see the value in planning to underpin successful execution.

If you answer ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then you might be one of our customers too.

  • Are you trying to work out if and what you should make in Australia, and how?
  • Are you planning a major plant or product investment and need increased certainty on costs or outcomes to increase your chances of success?
  • Are you trying to embed improvement methodologies that will deliver the best long-term value?
  • Are you planning to grow significantly and need to understand and address what could limit you?
  • Are you trying to understand what technologies and approach can best help you to transform your business performance?
  • Are you adopting new operational technologies and need to maximise the value?
  • Are your operations being held back by reliance on long lead-time purchases?
  • Are you about to launch a new product into the market and want to assure its chances of ongoing success?

We have experience in:

How we work

Our approach is fact and data driven, underpinned by our drive to deliver business outcomes, not just to “tick boxes”.

Our independence means we ask all the tough questions and give you an unbiased view of what good looks like and what objectives must be met to realise it.

Our experience across multiple industries, multiple geographies and multiple technologies means we bring know-how and knowledge that complements your teams’ capacity and capability and bridges any gaps. We then work closely with your team to ensure the transfer of that knowledge.

Our approach is very collaborative, and we are open to working in partnership with other business experts to deliver you better outcomes. Should additional expertise be needed, we also have a substantial network of subject matter experts that we can tap into.

Our experience in making things and our understanding of how to leverage the latest technologies allows us to work with you to ensure past assumptions about manufacturing don’t limit your future opportunities.

We boast many trusted relationships with clients that have delivered value over a long period of time. That we have worked with some of our clients for more than 19 years speaks to our integrity, our commitment to frank and fearless advice, and our ability to drive change that deliver sustainable results.

We know a ‘one size fits most’ approach doesn’t work. We offer a customised service, adapting our knowledge of complex manufacturing processes and technologies to fit your business and your goals. This is something we are passionate about.

Who we work with.